Neurosurgeons are specialist doctors who can diagnose, provide treatment, and perform operations to treat disorders of the nervous system. This nervous system includes the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), as well as peripheral nerves that are in all parts of the body. To become a neurosurgeon, one needs to have a general doctor's degree first, then complete a specialization education in neurosurgery for at least 5 years. Neurosurgery is a fairly specific branch of medical science and the number of doctors in Indonesia studying this field is still small. Field of Neurosurgeon Work The nervous system is a complex network that carries messages from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body, and vice versa. This organ system allows the body to move, think, remember, speak, see, hear, and feel physical stimuli, such as touch, heat or cold, and pain. In practice, neurosurgery is further divided into several subspecialty fields, namely: 1. Pediatric neu...